Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance

Committed To The Economic And Social Development Of All Of Wyoming’s People And Communities

Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance

Committed To The Economic And Social Development Of All Of Wyoming’s People And Communities

Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance

Committed To The Economic And Social Development Of All Of Wyoming’s People And Communities

Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance

Committed To The Economic And Social Development Of All Of Wyoming’s People And Communities

Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance

Committed To The Economic And Social Development Of All Of Wyoming’s People And Communities

Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance

Committed To The Economic And Social Development Of All Of Wyoming’s People And Communities

Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance

Committed To The Economic And Social Development Of All Of Wyoming’s People And Communities

Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance

Committed To The Economic And Social Development Of All Of Wyoming’s People And Communities

wyoming energy transition alliance logo

Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance

Committed To The Economic And Social Development Of All Of Wyoming's People And Communities

WETA's Mission

Whereas, we have been called to be faithful stewards of Wyoming’s rich natural resources, the Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance is committed to the economic and social development of all of Wyoming’s people and communities using resourcefulness and innovation to develop Wyoming’s energy future.

WETA's Mission

Whereas, we have been called to be faithful stewards of Wyoming’s rich natural resources, the Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance is committed to the economic and social development of all of Wyoming’s people and communities using resourcefulness and innovation to develop Wyoming’s energy future.

Objectives we will work towards include:

Advancing the development of energy transition projects in Wyoming;

Providing ongoing, sustainable markets for Wyoming’s energy resources-e.g., through carbon capture, utilization & storage; decarbonized coal gasification; low-carbon oil production; and zero-carbon fuels (e.g., blue/green hydrogen and ammonia);

Fostering businesses and industries that need reliable, low-cost, low-carbon energy, including digital infrastructure, critical mineral production, and heavy industry;

Making Wyoming the optimal location for energy transition projects and businesses, as a result of a world-class labor force (permanent, well-paying positions) and infrastructure;

Supporting Wyoming’s contribution to the Western Inter-State Hydrogen Hub (WISHH);

Ensure ongoing access to reliable and affordable energy for Wyoming communities and families.

Wyoming Energy Transition Alliance will accomplish these objectives by:

Serving as a forum for members to coordinate efforts and exchange best-practices;

Providing education & sharing expertise with fellow stakeholders, including policy makers and government agencies;

Being a resource for all parties with interests in Wyoming’s energy future.

Founding Member Organizations

carbonvert logo
denbury logo
Glenrock Logo
Kanata Logo
Lummus Consultants logo
vault 44.01 logo
williams clean energy logo
wolf carbon solutions logo

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